Is there a better way to start your day (work or otherwise) than to tap into your curiosity?
Curiosity opens your mind to the unexpected, to that which is perhaps on the fringes of your usual sensory experience, to what’s underground or emerging. It sharpens your senses as your being opens to the world; it also softens your senses into an anticipatory but not yet narrowed frame as you look and feel for what’s new or different, for what you haven’t previously noticed.
You can be curious about a situation, perhaps a problem at work or in your home life. What is going on here? Today I’ll be curious by paying particular attention to one or two aspects of that situation. Not solve it or resolve it! I’ll just be curious about it and see where that takes me.
Or you can be curious about some other person, perhaps one critical to the success of some project you’re working on. What is that person thinking? Actually doing? What are their intentions? What’s working for them? Not working?
Or you can be curious about yourself. What happens to me when I’m ……leading or attending a meeting? Interacting with so-and-so? Making a decision? Setting a boundary? Encouraging or coaching another?
And then, however you approach being curious for the day, notice how you are when you are in a curiosity mode. I suspect you’ll want to come back to it soon.
Curiosity opens your mind to the unexpected, to that which is perhaps on the fringes of your usual sensory experience, to what’s underground or emerging. It sharpens your senses as your being opens to the world; it also softens your senses into an anticipatory but not yet narrowed frame as you look and feel for what’s new or different, for what you haven’t previously noticed.
You can be curious about a situation, perhaps a problem at work or in your home life. What is going on here? Today I’ll be curious by paying particular attention to one or two aspects of that situation. Not solve it or resolve it! I’ll just be curious about it and see where that takes me.
Or you can be curious about some other person, perhaps one critical to the success of some project you’re working on. What is that person thinking? Actually doing? What are their intentions? What’s working for them? Not working?
Or you can be curious about yourself. What happens to me when I’m ……leading or attending a meeting? Interacting with so-and-so? Making a decision? Setting a boundary? Encouraging or coaching another?
And then, however you approach being curious for the day, notice how you are when you are in a curiosity mode. I suspect you’ll want to come back to it soon.